
Rules (Terms of Service)

Terms and Conditions

JustPic provides a free image and photo sharing and hosting service. Users of this service may upload as many images and pictures as they wish and can then let others view the images, as well as use the link codes of the images in other sites.
JustPic reserves the right to remove or replace any uploaded files. Images, graphics and photos from this site are for your personal use only and can not be used on any commercial site. To change the linking codes of the images from JustPic is prohibited without prior permission.

Copyright Infringement

Some images we have on the site are images sent by our users, photographers, artists and contributors, if you find a photo of yourself or image that you created and would like it to be taken off, please use the contact form and give us a detailed explanation and we will be more than happy to take your image off.
We do our best to avoid copyrighted material.

Users of this site agree to be bound by the following Terms and Conditions

The images are the copyright of their respective owners. You must own the copyright or have permission from the copyright holder for any images you upload to this website.
Any images found to break our terms and conditions will be removed without no warning. JustPic provides no warranty or guarantee of the service and assume no liability that may be incurred as a result of your use of this service. To report any type of abuse, use our contact page.